Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Please Stop The Polemic, Guys...


Back to three or four years ago, when Indonesia n Malaysia started to claim Sipadan and Ligitan island as theirs. Nomatter which country finally "won" the claim, it brought many other problems between Indonesia and Malaysia. In about last year, Malaysia claimed Reog and Batik as theirs. Indonesia, who felt that both of those are theirs, became angry. Again, nomatter who actually had the right to own them, it lead many polemics through very various kinds of media.

One of them is our beloved virtual world. Many bloggers from Indonesia and Malaysia create blogs (and also website) which contain bad words mocking each other. I don't want to mention them, though, because I'm affraid it will create a worse condition.
Well, actually, I think we should not let this "bad" polemic continue. I have some blogfriends from Malaysia and they are really kind and friendly. I am sure that Malaysian bloggers also do not want to keep this "virtual war".

This article written not for bad purpose, Guys. I really appreciate Malaysian, Indonesian, and other countries bloggers who are keeping their blogs peaceful. Let's remember that we are the people who care aboout living in peace and harmony :-D

Thanks for the readers and the commentators. Keep blogging peacefully. Luv u Guys :-)

Friday, July 25, 2008

Increasing Standard Of national EXAm

Is it the right choice?

Indonesia now are still facing many problems, such as economy, health, and also education. These problems are full of urgency to solve.

People in Indonesia see that the quality of Education in this country is still low. The Government believes that one of the causes of this problem is the low minimum standard of passing grade for any schools. Compare to the other countries, Indonesia still has the lowest passing grade. The Gov think that this kind of situation will lead the students to the eternal laziness ( because they don’t feel forced)

However, increasing the standard of national exam brings a new problem. Many people think that it’s a bad action and will bring a bad atmosphere toward the education itself. The students will only think about how to get a good mark and forget about their own purpose to go to school: get lessons.

They will do everything to get good mark no matter they deserve to get it or not. Many students become desperate and do cheating to pass their school. They do very very various cheating through SMS, and many other ways. And as my personal comment, this condition could lead them to become the next Indonesian corruptors.

This is one of the current issues in Indonesia. I really need your comment, for Indonesia.

You can give comments in Bahasa Indonesia or English.

One more question: "Does your country have a national exam?"

Monday, July 21, 2008


If I ask you this very simple question, “ What do you think about Indonesia?”, what would be the first word in your mind?

Probably people would say these words: friendly, Bali, developing country, beautiful scenery, and many others. Or even some of you would think about this: corruption, bomb, Tsunami, and many other bad view about Indonesia.

Well, this time, I really need your comment to the above question. This site will be the answer of your questions. I’m sure that you, wherever you are, care of other countries. It would be a pleasure for me to be your first site to visit if you need some information or clarification about Indonesia.

Issues can be right or wrong. However, this site will be the bridge between Indonesian’s view and your argument toward a current issue. Please participate actively and get everything about Indonesia.

I’m so proud to be here, thanks for your kindness to read this :-D

Friday, July 18, 2008

Great Achievement

Indonesian elementary school students and international math competition medalists (front, from right), Stefano Chiesa Suryanto, Vincent, Fransisca Susan, Christa Lorenzia and Richard Akira Heru, (back, from left), Reynaldi Satrio Nugroho, Peter Tirtowijoyo Young and Nicholas Tarino show their trophies during a reception in Jakarta on Thursday. The Indonesian team comprising members from different cities won five gold medals and a silver during the 12th Po Leng Kuk Elementary International Contest for Math held July 12-16 in Hong Kong. (JP/J. Adiguna

GooGle ReSulT